  • León
Type of route
One day
To know more

The name of the city of León comes from the Legio VII who set up camp here at the end of the 1st century CE. The city walls, large sections of which are still standing today, bore witness to the events of this period, and remains of the Roman water pipes can also be seen in El Cid Garden.

Archaeological excavations revealed the remains of the Roman baths and several other buildings in the camp. León boasts many other fascinating discoveries, such as the amphitheatre, one of the civil buildings that sprang up around the camp.

This route includes the following sites of interest: the Cascalería Roman Crypt, the Puerto Obispo Crypt, the Roman storehouse in the District of San Pedro, the city walls, the Puerta Castillo Archaeology Centre and El Cid Garden.

Address and map location

Where to sleep
Where to eat