  • Avila province
  • Burgos province
  • Palencia province
  • Salamanca province
  • Segovia province
  • Spain province
  • Valladolid province
Type of route
Several days

To commemorate the 5th centenary in 2105 of the birth of Saint Teresa in the city of Ávila, an association of Teresian cities was formed under the name ‘The Footsteps of Teresa of Ávila’. This tourist or pilgrimage route has been designed as a means of raising awareness of the culture and heritage surrounding her figure, as well as promoting the work and legacy of this Doctor of the Church based on the various convents she founded.

Retracing the Saint’s footsteps takes us to 17 sites. Her 20 year journey began in 1567 and would take her to various places in Spain. In Castilla y León this route includes towns such as Alba de Tormes (Salamanca), Ávila, Burgos, Medina del Campo (Valladolid), Palencia, Salamanca, Segovia, Soria and the city of Valladolid.

Address and map location

Where to sleep
Where to eat