Built in the early 19th century as a water-powered sawmill for the region’s wood industry. Studies were carried out here in the late 19th century that laid the foundations for the Montes de Valsaín Royal Mechanical Sawmills, where today visitors can discover the major role played by the wood sector in the province of Segovia in general and in this region in particular.

Historical Data

Historical Period:
Late modern period


Calle Primera, 11. Valsaín (San Ildefonso). 40109 Segovia.

More information

Oficina de Turismo of San Ildefonso o la Granja


Pza. de los Dolores, 1. San Ildefonso o la Granja (San Ildefonso). 40100 Segovia.

Teléfono: 921 473 953

Email: info@turismorealsitiodesanildefonso.com

Página Web: http://www.turismorealsitiodesanildefonso.com

Tourist Office Provincial of Segovia


Calle San Francisco, 32. Segovia. Segovia.

Telephone: 921 462 906

Email: info@segoviaturismo.es

Website: http://www.segoviaturismo.es