It is a convent already founded in the year 1290, and its church was extended and rebuilt between the XIV and XVI centuries, as well as the cloister. Its church is currently being restored to be used as auditorium.

From its oldest period, in the XIII century, the remains of a circular apse built with masonry are still in its head. The church has a single nave, divided by four sections separated by pointed arches, which rest on corbels. A series of funerary chapels of the XIV century and paintings attributed to Sanson Florentino of the half of XV century are kept. There are two chapels in the left side which are worthy to be seen for the architecture that represent.

Historical Data

Religious architecture
Monastery / Convent
Predominant styles:
Gothic, Plateresque
Historical Period:
Middle Ages, Early modern period


C/ Valladolid, s/n. Ávila. 05004 Ávila.

Telephone: 920 354 015

More information

Centro de Recepción de Visitantes of Ávila


Avda. Madrid, 39. Ávila. 05001 Ávila.

Telephone: 920 354 000 ext. 370 y 371

Fax: 920 254 200



Oficina de Turismo Regional of Ávila


Casa de las Carnicerías. C/ San Segundo, 17. Ávila. 05001 Ávila.

Teléfono: 920 211 387

Fax: 920 253 717


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