Temple at the end of the XII century and the beginning of the XIII is a great example of Romanesque church. The header, from the most ancient times, responds the typical Romanesque brick scheme, linked to the area of Toro, and the body is of Renaissance design, with some interventions of an after time, as the sacristy attached to the North nave. The belfry built in brick and with body of bells with two openings of half a point is located at the foot.

Historical Data

Religious architecture
Predominant styles:
Mudejar, Renaissance
Historical Period:
Middle Ages, Early modern period


Olmo de la Guareña (Vallesa de la Guareña). 49450 Zamora.

More information

Ayuntamiento of Vallesa de la Guareña


Municipality of Vallesa de la Guareña. Zamora.

Teléfono: 980 604 203

Fax: 980 604 203

Email: aytovallesa@yahoo.es

Página Web: http://www.vallesadelaguarena.es

Tourist Office Regional of Zamora


Avda. Principe de Asturias, 1. Zamora. 49012 Zamora.

Telephone: 980 531 845

Email: oficinadeturismodezamora@jcyl.es

Website: http://www.turismocastillayleon.com