Located in the southern foothills of the Cantabrian Mountains, in the Burgos region of Las Merindades, this karst monument is formed by a set of cavities whose main network consists of one hundred and ten kilometers of topographical galleries, which makes it the second largest endokarst. development of the Iberian Peninsula and one of the largest in the world. Enter a unique refuge for bats and one hundred and ninety cave-dwelling species, many of them endemic, an important biodiversity reference, as well as archaeological as it has been inhabited since prehistoric times.
Explore lush forests of oaks, gall oaks and junipers that are home to birds of prey. Observe vultures, kites and Egyptian vultures in the rock formations, while in the undergrowth you find roe deer, foxes, genets and wild boars. In the shadier areas, the beech forests are home to the goshawk and marten, as well as the wild cat, and in the lower course of the river you can see otters.
This natural treasure also has a rich history, from the Paleolithic to the Middle Ages, evidenced by cave paintings in the Palomera Cave and the Ermita de San Bernabé, a chapel built in the 18th century over a prehistoric cave that preserves wall paintings and a baroque altarpiece, through which you access one of the galleries that can be visited.
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