A collection of over 14,000 toy figures, half of them Spanish, created by more than 320 manufacturers from different countries during the last decades. It encourages the interest in industrial toy crafts, both Spanish and worldwide, and reveals the social and historical environment in which the pieces were created.


C/ Sancho García, 24. Sepúlveda. 40300 Segovia.

Telephone: 921 540 417

Email: info@museodefiguras.es

Website: http://toyfigurespain.com/

More information

Oficina de Turismo of Sepúlveda


Plaza del Trigo Nº6 (Centro de Interpretación de la Antigua Cárcel de Sepúlveda). Sepúlveda. 40300 Segovia.

Teléfono: 921 540 425 (Oficina de Turismo)

Email: turismo@sepulveda.es

Página Web: http://www.turismosepulveda.es

Tourist Office Provincial of Segovia


Calle San Francisco, 32. Segovia. Segovia.

Telephone: 921 462 906

Email: info@segoviaturismo.es

Website: http://www.segoviaturismo.es

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