Lying at the heart of the mountains of Soria, in a stunning landscape tinged with shades of ochre and blue, this is a land of fierce struggles that defends its splendid past steeped in history.

Traces of its prosperous past as a place of transhumance can still be seen in the Yaunas mansions that witnessed the comings and goings of the herdsmen; the ‘Trail of the Inhabitants of Yangua’, reminds us of a great work of literature, as it was part of the transhumance route that crossed La Mancha to Seville, as mentioned in a chapter of ‘Don Quixote’.

Yanguas still has two churches and the magnificent Tower of San Miguel. To access the Church of San Lorenzo visitors must pass under a semi-circular arch. The river gate leads from the wall to the main square, as well as the Castle of the Four Towers, with its distinctly Moorish flavor, and several other examples of mountain architecture, all emblazoned with large coats-of-arms.

Yanguas, a stopping point and a place of trade, textiles and mule drivers, is a town that has witnessed times of great splendor.