La iglesia fue iniciada en el siglo XV y tiene un aspecto gótico que se rompe con la torre plateresca; Es también renacentista y fue mandada construir por el Señor Hurtado de Mendoza y su esposa Doña Leonor del Río, como reza en una inscripción de la Fachada. With a single nave with three sections, all of them covered with vaults; there is a pentagonal apse with a groin vault, lateral chapels and a high tribune.

The Spanish-Flemish front contains elongated arches. The Plateresque tower contains Gothic elements, such as the broken alfiz , the most interesting feature of the outside section.There are vegetal motifs of naturalist inspiration and rope-like decorative elements in the capitals. The building contains the sepulchre of the Hurtado de Mendoza family, Spanish-Flemish in style, with Arabic influences in its decoration, plus the organ, the pulpit decorated with Plateresque elements, a good Baroque altarpiece and a Romanesque image of the Virgen de la Muela.

When to visit it?

Opening hours

  • Every day: arrange a visit



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Within a radius of

    Address and map location

    • Postal address Pza. Mayor, s/n. Morón de Almazán. NaN. Soria
    How to arrive
    Where to sleep
    Where to eat

    Tourist information

    • Morón de Almazán town hall

      • Postal address municipality of Morón de Almazán . Soria
      • Email
      • Phones
        975 306 001
      • Fax
        975 306 001
      To know more
    • Soria tourism office

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