Built in the late 15th and early 16th century, with a latin cross ground plan and a polygonal apse end. The tower, probably built in the 15th century, looks like a fortress. It is rectangular in shape and consists of three bodies topped off by crenellations.

The Baroque front dates from the early 17th century. Of particular note is the altarpiece in the chancel, dating from the 16th century, by Francisco de Ágreda. Clearly influenced by the Valladolid school.

Historical Data

Religious architecture
Predominant styles:
Historical Period:
Early modern period


San Antón, 16. Ólvega. 42110 Soria.

More information

Ayuntamiento of Ólvega


Municipality of Ólvega. Soria.

Teléfono: 976 192 525

Fax: 976 196 071

Email: olvega@dipsoria.es

Email: secretario@olvega.es

Página Web: http://www.olvega.es

Oficina de Turismo Regional of Soria


C/ Medinaceli,2. Soria. 42003 Soria.

Teléfono: 975 212 052

Fax: 975 221 289

Email: oficinadeturismodesoria@jcyl.es