A popular picture of the Resurrection with horses from the nineteenth century is particularly worthy of mention, if only for its peculiarity.


Antigua Casa Rectoral. C/ Mayor, s/n. Yanguas. 42172 Soria.

Telephone: 975 381 026

More information

Ayuntamiento of Yanguas


Municipality of Yanguas. Soria.

Teléfono: 975 185 316 / 975 391 516

Email: yanguas@dipsoria.es

Página Web: http://www.yanguas.es

Oficina de Turismo Regional of Soria


C/ Medinaceli,2. Soria. 42003 Soria.

Teléfono: 975 212 052

Fax: 975 221 289

Email: oficinadeturismodesoria@jcyl.es

Opening hours

  • Every day: book visit in advance

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