In 2018, archaeological works ended in this important archaeological site that was discovered in the second half of the 19th century, in which there are remains of mosaics and other materials, some deposited in the Museum of Zamora. The structure of a Roman villa comes to light with mosaic pavements of exquisite figures from the late Roman period, between the 2nd and 4th centuries AD. C., which has 15 rooms articulated around a peristyle or porticoed courtyard, with a prominent room, possibly a triclinium with a figurative mosaic with a central emblem representing Orpheus surrounded by animals and around him eight cartels with representations of horses and their names embossed with tesserae and hunting scenes.

The most common thing in these sites is to find simpler mosaics with geometric motifs, but in the town of Orpheus we find some very interesting figurative mosaics, with great iconographic richness, referring to both the customs of the time and mythological legends. This detail, the existence of tessellated texts makes it exceptional, given the scarcity of this type of epigraphic documents in Spain.

There is a second large room with a beautiful mosaic that combines geometric elements with a large emblem that is the "Rapture of Europe" with a border with marine characters. This room corresponds to the "oecus", where the guests were received.

It is important to note that there are still remains of the pipes and drains.

Probably this site that is visited today corresponds to a third of the total of this building. Looking at the remains of the old dependencies and the mosaics we can identify the life of this town, but no ceramics or coins have been found, as in other sites, so it is thought that the town was progressively abandoned, since it is not known exactly what caused his abandonment.

Datos Históricos

Periodo Histórico:

Más Información

Ayuntamiento of Camarzana de Tera


Municipality of Camarzana de Tera. Zamora.

Teléfono: 980649006 

Fax: 980 649 497


Página Web:

Tourist Office Regional of Zamora


Avda. Principe de Asturias, 1. Zamora. 49012 Zamora.

Telephone: 980 531 845



Opening hours

  • Winter May, 4 – December, 10):
    • Tuesday to friday: 09:00 – 13:30 and 16:00 – 18:00
    • Saturdays and sundays: 09:30 – 14:00 and 16:00 – 18:30
    • Closed: monday


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