• Length: Approx. 729 km

  • Provinces included: Soria, Burgos,Valladolid, Zamora,Salamanca

  • Total ascent: 7,944 m

  • Total descent: 8,990 m

  • Maximum altitude: 1,338 m

  • Minimum altitude: 133 m


This route will take you through Castilla y León from east to west, following the course of the Duero River. The route begins in Duruelo de la Sierra, a village near the source of the river, and ends in Vega de Terrón, on the Portuguese border.

Cycling at your own pace, you will discover monumental settlements that evidence this river’s historical significance. There are 294 beautiful, historically and culturally valuable Sites of Cultural Interest and Historic-Artistic Sites along this route, including Soria, Almazán, Berlanga de Duero, El Burgo de Osma, San Esteban de Gormaz, Langa de Duero, Peñaranda de Duero, Gumiel de Izán, Vadocondes, Haza, Peñafiel, Fuentidueña, Simancas, Tordesillas, Toro, Zamora and Fermoselle.