A commemoration of the Christian victory at the Battle of Clavijo and the liberation from the legendary tribute of the ‘hundred maidens’ that the Astur-Leonese monarchs were forced to pay annually to the Moorish caliphs. The ceremony reenacts the original: the young maidens, known as ‘cantaderas’ and dressed in medieval costume, dance to the beat set by the ‘sotadora’, a Muslim woman responsible for instructing them in Moorish customs, as the procession makes its way from the square in front of the Town Hall to the Cathedral.

General information

General information:
Castilla y León Tourist Interest
Domingo anterior al 5 de octubre
Kind of Festivity:


León. 24001 León.

More information

Ayuntamiento of León


Municipality of León. León.

Teléfono: 987 878 336

Email: turismo@aytoleon.es

Página Web: http://www.leon.es

Oficina de Turismo Regional of León


Pza. de Regla, 2. León. 24003 León.

Teléfono: 987 237 082

Fax: 987 273 391

Email: oficinadeturismodeleon@jcyl.es

Página Web: http://www.turismocastillayleon.com