Pieces issued, among which stand out: Late 14th-century or early 15th-century cross from a hospital in Vera Cruz, Vault keystone, with a representation of a heraldic castle from the late 13th century, and several 12th-century and 13th-century steles.

The Castle of the Velasco, symbol of the city and the power of the family that dominated these lands in the Middle Ages, was built in the XIV century by the powerful lineage of the Velasco. It was palace and defensive castle. Its inside that still keeps the remnant of the Mudejar, has being conditioned to house this museum.


Alcázar de los Condestables. Medina de Pomar. 09500 Burgos.

Telephone: 947 190 746

Email: museomerindades@medinadepomar.org

Website: https://www.medinadepomar.net/museo-historico

More information

Oficina de Turismo Regional of Burgos


Pza. Alonso Martínez, 7. Burgos. 09003 Burgos.

Teléfono: 947 203 125

Fax: 947 276 529

Email: oficinadeturismodeburgos@jcyl.es

Tourist Office of Medina de Pomar


Plaza Mayor, 1. Medina de Pomar. 09500 Burgos.

Telephone: 947 147 042 / 947 190 746

Fax: 947 147 042

Email: patrimonio@medinadepomar.org

Website: http://www.medinadepomar.net/oficina-municipal

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