A space dedicated by Jose Escribano Calvo, native of Olvega and who for years was a shoemaker in this building, to house a collection of more than 7.000 miniatures, made by him, concerning nearly 40 traditional crafts: coopers, coalmen, cheese makers, tile makers... The exhibition is completed with reproductions in stone and other materials, small-scale, of iconic buildings of Olvega and other places in the province of Soria.


Plaza de la Picota, 13. Ólvega. 42110 Soria.

Telephone: 976 645 561

More information

Ayuntamiento of Ólvega


Municipality of Ólvega. Soria.

Teléfono: 976 192 525

Fax: 976 196 071

Email: olvega@dipsoria.es

Email: secretario@olvega.es

Página Web: http://www.olvega.es

Oficina de Turismo Regional of Soria


C/ Medinaceli,2. Soria. 42003 Soria.

Teléfono: 975 212 052

Fax: 975 221 289

Email: oficinadeturismodesoria@jcyl.es