A sample of transition Romanesque, with a single nave covered by a barrel vault. The most interesting feature is the south front, the so-called 'Puerta del Perdón' (Gate of Forgiveness).

The Iglesia de Santiago dates from 1186, when the bishop of Astorga, Don Fernando, obtained a bull from the Pope allowing him to build a church.

Historical Data

Religious architecture
Predominant styles:
Historical Period:
Middle Ages


Cº Santiago, s/n. Villafranca del Bierzo. 24500 León.

More information

Oficina de Turismo Regional of León


Pza. de Regla, 2. León. 24003 León.

Teléfono: 987 237 082

Fax: 987 273 391

Email: oficinadeturismodeleon@jcyl.es

Página Web: http://www.turismocastillayleon.com

Tourist Office of Villafranca del Bierzo


Avda Díez Ovelar, 10. Villafranca del Bierzo. 24500 León.

Telephone: 987 540 028

Email: turismo@villafrancadelbierzo.org

Website: http://www.villafrancadelbierzo.org/movil/index.php

Opening hours

  • Every day: book visit in advance

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