This church is the best example of Gothic architecture existing in the province, and one of the few that covers each and every one of its sections with ribbed vaults. The main chapel is presided over by an altarpiece from the early seventeenth century in which good images of apostles and magnificent reliefs are mixed, some previous images from missing hermitages in the area and which have been placed in their niches.

Everything that the church preserves is dwarfed when we arrive at the chapel of Licenciado Toribio, founded in the first third of the 16th century by this member of the royal council of the Catholic Monarchs. The entrance is closed by a grate by Juan Francés, and the front is occupied by an altarpiece attributed to Diego Siloe and Felipe Bigarny. In the center of the chapel is the grave of the founder and his wife, no doubt also in Siloe's workshop.

A crocodile hangs at the entrance to the church, brought by the lord of the town, and who was killed by the neighbors after killing a girl.

Bóveda y motivos arco triunfal capilla licenciado Toribio

Datos Históricos

Arquitectura Religiosa
Estilos predominantes:
Periodo Histórico:
Edad Media, Edad Moderna


Rua, 28. Santiago de la Puebla. 37311 Salamanca.

Más Información

Tourist Office of Salamanca


P/ Mayor, 32. Salamanca. 37002 Salamanca.

Telephone: 902 302 002 / 923 218 342

Fax: 923 263 409



Opening hours

  • Holly Week March, 23 – April, 1):
    • Every day: 11:00 – 14:00 and 16:00 – 19:00



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