Built in 1575 to be the headquarters of the Archive of the Adelantamiento of Castilla by order of Felipe II, whose shield crowns the façade. The trace and the project are due to Juan de Herrera and accomplishment to Juan de Vallejo.

It was built to house the archives of Burgos and stayed here till they were moved to Simancas (Valladolid) in the 18th century.

Historical Data

Civil engineering
Predominant styles:
Herrerian, Renaissance
Historical Period:
Early modern period


Covarrubias. 09346 Burgos.

More information

Oficina de Turismo Regional of Burgos


Pza. Alonso Martínez, 7. Burgos. 09003 Burgos.

Teléfono: 947 203 125

Fax: 947 276 529

Email: oficinadeturismodeburgos@jcyl.es

Tourist Office of Covarrubias


C/ Monseñor Vargas, s/n. Covarrubias. 09346 Burgos.

Telephone: 947 406 461 / 947 406 461

Email: turismocovarrubias@hotmail.es

Website: http://www.covarrubias.es