Mid-16th-century palace built by Juan Rodríguez de Figueroa, with two facades: one of the façades is framed by fluted columns with medallions of a man and a woman in the arch's tympanums and Saint George on the main balcony; and the other façade has a crowned figure on top.

Historical Data

Civil engineering
Predominant styles:
Historical Period:
Early modern period


C/ Zamora, 15. Salamanca. 37001 Salamanca.

Telephone: 923 217 334

Email: casinodesalamanca@casinodesalamanca.es

Website: http://www.casinodesalamanca.es

More information

Oficina de Turismo of Salamanca


P/ Mayor, 32. Salamanca. 37002 Salamanca.

Teléfono: 902 302 002 / 923 218 342

Fax: 923 263 409

Email: informacion@turismodesalamanca.com

Página Web: http://www.salamanca.es

Remarks: Exterior

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