The lands that make up this Biosphere Reserve boast an immense biological diversity, determined by the transition between two types of climate. Highlights include outstanding birch and juniper woods, as well as species of endangered fauna such as the brown bear and Cantabrian capercaillie.

This area offers an immense range of natural, cultural and ethnographic resources, turning this Reserve into a unique site with a host of attractions.


Statement date: 6/29/2005

Category: Biosphere Reserve (81,159 ha.)

Location: Noroeste de la Provincia de León.

Municipalities in the province of León:
  • Los Barrios de Luna,
  • Murias de Paredes,
  • Riello,
  • Sena de Luna,
  • Soto y Amío,
  • Valdesamario

Population: 3.217 habitantes

Other protection:

  • Parque Natural Valles de Babia y Luna
  • Lugar de Importancia Comunitaria (LIC)(2).
  • Zona de Especial Protección Aves (ZEPA).

Region / Province biogeographical: Eurosiberiana / Atlántica Europea


Natural Espace

Valleys of Babia and Luna

Under the shadow of the rock faces of Peña Ubiña (2,417 metres) lies the rough mountainous landscape of the Valle de San Emiliano.

Situated in between the Leonese valleys of Babia and Luna, on the border[...]

Show moreValleys of Babia and Luna

Centro de Interpretación

Centro de Interpretación Reserva de la Biosfera Valles Omaña y Luna

Located in the Casona, Palace of the Counts of Luna (S.XVIII), in Murias de Paredes. During the 1960s it functioned as the Civil Guard House-Barracks, then being closed and disused until the Murias de[...]

Address: C/ Octavio Carb, 15. Murias de Paredes. 24130 León.


: 987 580 723

Show moreCentro de Interpretación Reserva de la Biosfera Valles Omaña y Luna