12th-century mudejar structure located on the site of an earlier fortress.

The church has a single nave with a Latin cross ground plan and the ornate altarpieces are Baroque. The belfry tower is topped off by a Neo-Classical cupola, and the arched apses are Romanesque and the sacristy contains a painting of the burial of Jesus by an unknown artist and an illuminated gilt board.

Historical Data

Religious architecture
Predominant styles:
Historical Period:
Middle Ages


Plaza de Santa María, s/n. Madrigal de las Altas Torres. 05220 Ávila.

Telephone: 636 322 923

More information

Oficina de Turismo Regional of Ávila


Casa de las Carnicerías. C/ San Segundo, 17. Ávila. 05001 Ávila.

Teléfono: 920 211 387

Fax: 920 253 717

Email: oficinadeturismodeavila@jcyl.es

Tourist Office of Madrigal de las Altas Torres


Plaza del Cristo, s/n. Madrigal de las Altas Torres. 05220 Ávila.

Telephone: 661 502 613 / 920 320 699 / 920 320 001 (Ayuntamiento)

Email: madrigalturismo@gmail.com

Website: http://www.madrigaldelasaltastorres.es/

Opening hours

  • Every day: book visit in advance

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