León has known how to adapt to modern times. It is a bright and open city which receives a great number of visitors every year, especially with the arrival of Semana Santa, which has been declared a tourist attraction throughout the country.

Its history, written on every one of its stones, reminds us that it was once part of an old kingdom, and that it played a key role in the route of the Camino de Santiago, one of the most important historical references of the city.

It was founded on what was once the Roman military camp for the Legio VII Gemina in Hispania in 74 AD. The city is home to an enviable collection of monuments that embraces almost all artistic styles, from Romanesque, Gothic, Plateresque, Renaissance and modern.

This is a thousand year-old enclave cut through by the river Bernesga. The pleasant walk along the river which crosses the city is a relaxing passtime for many of the inhabitants of León. The river Torío also passes through the town across the Puente Castro quarter.