The Cathedral was built during the s. XVI at the initiative of the City Council and with the support of Duke Don Teodósio, knowing that Pêro da Faia and Fernão Pires were its master builders. Destined to be a Convent of the Order of Santa Clara, it was occupied by the Company of Jesus between 1562 and 1759, functioning as a School. In 1764, when the seat of the bishopric was transferred from Miranda to Bragança, the church became a Cathedral, a time during which it underwent expansion works.

Architecturally, the Renaissance portal that incorporates some Baroque elements on the north side façade is relevant. In the center, we can see a niche with the Virgin of La Leche with the Child. The interior is quite decorated, highlighting the triumphal arch with the arms of the city, the main altar of gilded carving from the 16th century. 18th century and the side altarpieces, from the same period.

It is worth visiting the 17th century sacristy. XVII, where we find a high quality ark ornamented with oil paintings representing scenes from the life of Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Ignatius. The theme of Saint Ignatius is repeated on the painted ceiling. The two-story Renaissance cloister maintains its original structure.

Address and map location

How to arrive
Where to sleep
Where to eat