The first cathedral built in the 21st century. Dedicated to Our Lady Queen, the current Sé Cathedral of Bragança was designed by the architect Vassalo Rosa, being the first Portuguese cathedral built in the 21st century.

It replaced the old Sé, built during the 16th century at the initiative of the municipality with the support of Duke D. Teodósio, which was initially intended to be a convent for the Poor Clare nuns (of the order of Saint Clare) and was occupied between 1562 and 1759 by the Company of Jesus, which established a College there. In 1764, when the seat of the bishopric was transferred from Miranda to Bragança, that church underwent expansion works and was promoted to Sé Cathedral.

Meanwhile, in 1768 the local bishop D. Frei Aleixo, sent a letter to the Marquis of Pombal, Secretary of State and Minister of the Kingdom, informing him of the intention to build a new Cathedral. Since that date, and due to a succession of setbacks, such a dream was continually postponed. Only in the middle of the 20th century were there conditions for launching a competition, with the project by architects Luis Vassalo Rosa and Francisco Figueira having been selected. The construction of the cathedral still began to take shape in 1982, with the laying of the first stone and the official start of work occurred six years later, after a series of postponements related to the configuration and structure of the project.

Address and map location

How to arrive
Where to sleep
Where to eat