Next to the parish church, we found this tower, in the central place of the urban center of Cameno, which is affected by running water of two small streams: Los Torquillos and La Veguilla.

The Tower of the Varona, the unique which is preserved today, has the remains in the West and South walls of a cube which is supposed it had a square floor about 10 meters sideways. Outside of the tower you can still see the remains of three buttresses; two are located at the South face and one in the corner South / West. The building is made of sandstone blocks of big size and perfectly squared and was thickened with mortar. Many of its blocks have been used to build the parish church of Santa Maria.

Get to know the surroundings

Within a radius of

    Address and map location

    • Postal address Cameno (Briviesca). NaN. Burgos
    How to arrive
    Where to sleep
    Where to eat

    Tourist information

    • Briviesca town hall

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    • Briviesca tourism office

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    • Burgos tourism office

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