  • Salamanca
Type of route
One day
To know more

The city offers its younger visitors the chance to discover its sights and sounds thanks to this route designed especially for them. An educational tour enabling children to discover through play some of Salamanca’s most outstanding monuments and the fascinating facts they conceal.

A series of characters challenge the children to spot various decorative elements on the façades of the historical buildings featured on the tour. The figures include real and mythological animals on the Nativity and Palm façades of the New Cathedral and at the entrance to the courtyard of the Junior Colleges. Dragons, eagles, a lion and many more animals are all hidden around the city.

This route includes the following sites of interest: the Salamanca Architectural and Urban Heritage Visitor Centre, Monumenta Salmanticae, the Art Nouveau and Art Decó Museum, Lis House, the Automation History Museum, the collection of fascinating gadgets, the Salamanca Museum of Trade and Industry, the Roman Bridge, the Plaza Mayor and the Convent of San Esteban.

What to see?

Address and map location

Where to sleep
Where to eat