  • Velilla del Río Carrión
Type of route
To know more

This route along the rivers Carrión and Pisuerga encourages the more intrepid to sail along the calm waters of the Castilla Canal as it makes its way across the province of Palencia as well as take part in a series of thrilling active tourism adventures.

Towns such as Velilla invite visitors to discover their hidden delights, monuments and open natural spaces. The route runs through the nature parks of Fuentes Carrionas and Fuente Cobre - Montaña Palentina, as well as through small towns and villages boasting architectural treasures that will surprise and delight at every turn.

This route includes the following sites of interest: the Chapel of San Juan de las Fuentes Divinas / Fuente de Reana, the Chapel of Areños, the House of Tío Mateón, and Benina, a traditional house, all situated in Velilla del Río Carrión.

What to see?

Address and map location

Where to sleep
Where to eat
Heritage and Culture
Gastronomy and Wine Tourism