  • Avila province
Type of route
To know more

This route stretches out over a vast plain La Moraña plain in the north of the province of Ávila, characteristic of the Castilian countryside in the heart of the historic region of Arévalo. An area boasting numerous churches built in the Romanesque-Mudejar style and chapels of exceptional beauty.

La Morañas attraction for tourists also lies in the monuments to be found in the nearby towns and villages, including churches and towers that are an invitation for visitors to stop and explore.

Other sites of interest on this route include the House of San Nicolás de Bari in Madrigal de las Altas Torres, the Parish Church of Donvidas, the Parish Church of Narros del Castillo, the House of Santa María la Mayor, the House of San Martín and the Chapel of Santa María Gómez de Román / la Lugareja in Arévalo, and the Church of San Juan de la Cruz / Casa Natal in Fontiveros.

What to see?

  • Castle of ArevaloMore information

    Castle of the XV century and reformed during the XVI by order of the Catholic Kings, to turn it into artillery fortress. It presents brick for these works of adaptation, with the characteristic Mudejar...

  • Church of San MartinMore information

    Romanesque and Mudejar church, with large towers, known as the Torres Gemelas (Twin Towers). One of them is known as the 'Torre de los Ajedreces' (Chess Tower) due to the brick chessboard decoration on...

  • Church of San MiguelMore information

    Flat apse, single nave and two arches. It was used as a meeting venue by the Montalvo Knights.There is an important pintura e talla altarpiece, with thirteen Castilian-Flemish board paintings.

  • Church of Santa Maria la MayorMore information

    Temple with a single nave and apse with an oven vault. Inside, there is a Mudejar coffered ceiling in the low choir, and a set of medieval mural paintings with a Pantocrator and tetramorphs.The Church...

  • Hermitage of Santa Maria Gomez de Roman / la LugarejaMore information

    13th-century temple more characteristic of the mudejar style of the tierra de Arévalo.It has three apses with tall blocked up arcades, a dome and a tambour inside the large 12th-century lantern over crossing...

  • Bodega del ArrieroMore information

    Old cellar of the s. XVI recently restored and valued to be visited. It is at the foot of the castle and retains the flavor of a building that housed an activity that fell into disuse.In addition to the...

  • Center of Activities of MudéjarMore information

    It is a new space dedicated to the construction style that marks the constructions of Arévalo and the region, which is located in the Plaza de la Villa, between the churches of Santa María and S. Martín.

  • Interpretation Center of the Nature of ArevaloMore information

    It is located in the House of the Council of the Plaza del Real, specifically in the old prison, which preserves cells, doors and other elements. It hosts a complete exhibition of dioramas that reproduce...

Address and map location

Where to sleep
Where to eat
Heritage and Culture
Gastronomy and Wine Tourism