  • Spain province
Type of route
To know more

A region steeped in history is what travellers on this route around the lands of Medinaceli in the province of Soria. This fortress town lies in a highly strategic point between the valleys of the rivers Tajo and Ebro.

Medinaceli Castle, the Romanillos Roman Road or Monteagudo de las Vicarías Castle are all included on this historic route rich in tradition that includes visits to magnificent sites such as the Monastery of Santa María de Huerta or the archaeological sites of Ambrona and Torralba, considered to be the most important Lower Palaeolithic Era excavations in the Iberian Peninsula.

This route also includes the following sites of interest: in Medinaceli, the Collegiate Church of Santa María de la Asunción, the Palace of the Duke of Medinaceli, the Beaterio (lay community) of San Román, the Convent of Santa Isabel, Medinaceli or La Alhóndiga Arch, as well as the Church of Santa María Magdalena in Almaluez.

What to see?

  • Church of Santa Maria MagdalenaMore information

    16th-century single-nave gothic church, divided into four sections separated by slightly pointed arches on a baroque ledge. The octagonal apse end is covered by a star-shaped vault.The church is made of...

  • Castle of SomaenMore information

    Somaen, a strategic place between Medinaceli and Arcos de Jalon, is as old as historical place. Village surrounded by high hills among which stands out the one holding the castle, surrounded by a moat,...

  • Church of the Asuncion de Nuestra SeñoraMore information

    A singular building that preserves remains of original Romanesque church. The temple is of a single nave, of particular silhouette of the ground plan, very narrow and elongated, and the gateway has a very...

  • Castle of MedinaceliMore information

    If we speak of Medinaceli we should think in a strategic place, crossroad and high place. It was a defensive place since Roman times. Between the Valley of the Ebro and Duero, a natural defense, it is...

  • Collegiate of Santa Maria de la AsuncionMore information

    The enclosure seems to have been part of an earlier synagogue or mosque and is built on the remains of the former Romanesque Iglesia de Santa María la Mayor, around 1561.The ashlars tower dates from the...

  • Archaeological Hall of MedinaceliMore information

    Natural-sized and model reconstructions of public and private atmospheres characteristic of the pre-historic and historic past of medinaceli and its area.The access stairs to the hall recreate a time tunnel...

  • Museum of Sacred Art of the Collegiate of MedinaceliMore information

    To give life to this museum space, one of the rooms of the Collegiate Church of Santa María de Medinaceli was set up, where, among other pieces, several religious paintings are currently exhibited.

  • Castle of Monteagudo de las VicariasMore information

    This is a pentagonal castle, perfectly adapted to the side of a hilltop, where stands the fortified village. The rebuilt interior courtyard and the straight-lintel windows date from the 16th century and...

  • Hermitage of Nuestra Señora de la BienvenidaMore information

    Building of the century XVII (1610-11), although the holder image of the chapel is a Gothic work, so, apparently, a previous building existed in this place. It is a construction of masonry, except the...

Address and map location

Where to sleep
Where to eat
Heritage and Culture
Gastronomy and Wine Tourism