  • Valladolid
Type of route
One day
To know more

Valladolid, which in 2011 was declared the world’s best-lit city, offers a very special route featuring some of its major landmarks, whose façades are floodlit in a range of colours, immersing visitors in a magical trail that can only be appreciated after dark.

An attractive journey through history discovering the capital’s rich heritage and offering tourists new visual landscapes, enhancing the value of each monument and bathing them in their own spectacular light.

This route includes the following sites of interest: the Church of Santa María de la Antigua, the Cavalry Academy, the Church of San Agustín, Villena Palace, the Church of San Miguel and San Julián, San Gregorio College, Las Francesas Hall, the Church of Santiago, the Church of La Pasión, the Church of San Lorenzo, the Palace of the Counts of Rivadavia / Pimentel, the Church of San Benito, the Church of Las Angustias, the Church of San Pablo, the Church of San Martín, the Chapel of San Juan Bautista in the Church of El Salvador, Plaza Mayor, Plaza de Santa Cruz, the façade and atrium at Valladolid University, Gutiérrez Passage, the Patio Herreriano Museum of Spanish Contemporary Art, Fabio Nelli Palace, the Calderón de la Barca Theatre, the Church of La Vera Cruz, Valladolid Cathedral, the Sun House and the Church of San Benito el Viejo.

What to see?

  • College of San GregorioMore information

    Built in the late 15th century on the initiative of Friar Alonso de Burgos and one of the finest examples of the Hispano-Flemish style. Today it houses Spain’s National Museum of Sculpture, and the country’s...

  • Palace of VillenaMore information

    This palace has had several owners: in the 18th century it belonged to the wife of the Marquis of Vilena, before passing into the hands of the Duke of Pastrana and the Marquis of Pombo and Alonso Pesquera....

  • House of the Sun and Church of San Benito el ViejoMore information

    In 1599 these houses were acquired by the Count of Gondomar, who had his coat-of-arms set in the façade, above which rises the sun from which the building takes its name. The façade is in the Plateresque...

  • Calderon de la Barca theaterMore information

    The theatre was erected on the site of the old Palacio del Almirante, owned by the Duke of Osuna and subsequently purchased by Diego Morales. The theatre opened on September 29, 1864, with the play 'El...

  • Church of San LorenzoMore information

    The current building was built between 1509 and 1512. It has a tower with a belfry and Gothic pinnacles dating from the second decade of the 16th century.Diego de Praves designed the front in 1611 inspired...

  • Church of San AgustinMore information

    The church was founded in 1407. The architect, Diego de Praves, established the building conditions in 1619. Hernando del Hoyo and Rodrigo de la Cantera were responsible for the actual erection of the...

  • Church of SantiagoMore information

    Gothic apse end. Inside, a single nave with small chapels between buttresses. The first chapel on the epistle side contains a platersque altarpiece similar to the ones by gaspar de Tordesillas.The church...

  • Major Square of ValladolidMore information

    Rectangular in shape. In the centre there is a statue of the count Ansúrez by Aurelio Carretero (1903).The plaza was rebuilt by Francisco de Salamanca after a fire in 1561 and the reconstruction process...

  • Church of the AngustiasMore information

    Construction of the present church started in 1597 and ended in 1604. The plans were drawn by the architect Juan de Nates. Building was carried out with the assistance of Martín de Uriarte.The main altarpiece...

Address and map location

Where to sleep
Where to eat