  • Palencia province
Type of route
To know more

Some of the most unusual spots in the province of Palencia are to be found on this intriguing route around the delightful reservoirs in the Fuentes Carrionas y Fuente Cobre - Montaña Palentina Nature Park. Starting at Compuerto Reservoir, it takes visitors to the reservoirs of Camporredondo and Ruesga before ending at Aguilar Reservoir.

A truly memorable experience to be enjoyed over three days, taking visitors through the towns of Velilla del Río Carrión and Otero de Guardo, site of the Compuerto Reservoir. Other visits include Cervera de Pisuerga, site of various tourist attractions including the Parish Museum of Santa María del Castillo, the Chapel of La Cruz and Cervera Reservoir.

This route also includes the following sites of interest: the Chapel of San Juan de las Fuentes Divinas / Fuente de Reana de Velilla del Río Carrión, as well as the Tamaric Fountains, the Roman Bridge and Tío Mateón Palace, without forgetting the Camporredondo Reservoir; the Alba de los Cardaños Viewpoint; in Aguilar de Campoo, the Monastery of Santa María la Real, the San Miguel Arcángel Collegiate Museum, the Convent of Santa Clara and the Palace of the Manrique Family or the Marquises of Aguilar.

What to see?

  • Convent of Santa ClaraMore information

    On the right bank of the Pisuerga River, at the bottom of a walk and surrounded by countryside, solemn and stately is the Convent of Santa Clara. It was founded in the XV century by the Franciscans. It...

  • Palace of the Manrique o de los Marqueses de AguilarMore information

    16th-century palace on two storeys with a facade of eleven wrought iron balconies on other round balconies that are propped up by columns with cylindrical shafts. The whole facade is ashlar and has the...

  • Hermitage of San Juan de las Fuentes Divinas / Fuente de ReanaMore information

    Late 12th or early 13th-century shrine. It is a very modest church with a lancet arch over the entrance gate in the south wall that has a simple modillion.The chapel has a lancet vault.

  • Monastery of Santa Maria la RealMore information

    According to an ancient legend, the origins of this monastery date back to the early 9th century, when the inhabitants of the northern mountain ranges gradually began to migrate towards the plains of the...

  • Reservoir of CompuertoMore information

    This is one of the two reservoirs that control the waters of the Carrión river, which were built with a gap of 30 years between themselves. The reservoir of Compuerto is the most modern, was built in 1960...

  • Reservoir of CamporredondoMore information

    It is part, together with the Compuerto reservoir and other three in the Pisuerga river, of the so-called ‘Ruta de los Pantanos’ located within the province of Palencia, which is visited by thousands of...

  • Reservoir of CerveraMore information

    It is located in the Rivera river, a tributary of the Pisuerga, and in the region of the Montaña Palentina. It was the first dam which was built by the Government in the Duero basin in 1923 and its main...

  • Reservoir of AguilarMore information

    Being a reservoir very close to the town of Aguilar de Campo, it is classified almost as an urban reservoir, well integrated in the environment and easily accessible. Among the most popular activities...

  • Parish Museum Santa Maria del CastilloMore information

    Religious heritage. Tombs of Gutiérrez de Mier and his wife. Hispano-flemish altarpiece from the capilla de Santa Ana, with sculptures by Felipe Bigarny and paintings by Juan de Flandes (adoration of the...

Address and map location

Where to sleep
Where to eat