  • Salamanca
Type of route
One day
To know more

An interesting two day route around Salamanca, discovering the principal monuments and treasures of this city that stands on the Banks of the River Tormes. The streets invite visitors to take a step back in time, exploring sites steeped in history such as the Plaza Mayor, the famous Shell House or the Pontifical University of Salamanca and La Clerecía Church.

The city’s rich cultural offer will tempt visitors to extend their stay by several days, enabling them to admire buildings and spaces such as the Art Nouveau and Art Decó Museum and Lis House, as well as sample the mouth-watering gastronomy, in particular the delicious cured meats.

What to see?

  • Convent of San EstebanMore information

    It is a monastery of the Dominican order. Its construction was carried out between the XVI and XVII centuries. It is of Gothic style, but its decor is Plateresque and Baroque. The church has a Latin cross...

  • Convent of DueñasMore information

    A convent that was originally a magnificent palace, converted in the 16th century, coinciding with the construction of the church and convent, from 1530 onwards. The church domes are the work of Martín...

  • Huerto de Calisto and MelibeaMore information

    Situated next to the remains of the ancient wall, this garden is said to have been the setting for various scenes from 'La Celestina', written by Fernando de Rojas.In the same garden is the Jardín del...

  • La ClereciaMore information

    Also called the Holy Spirit, it was the church of the Colegio Real de la Compañía de Jesús, built in the 17th century. Inside it is a Latin cross with three naves with side chapels and a transept with a...

  • Higher School of the University of SalamancaMore information

    The building began in 1411 when Benedict XIII ordered its construction. The facade, from 1529, shows in the central street on the lower floor, a medallion with half-length images of the Catholic Monarchs...

  • Palace of the Salina or FonsecaMore information

    Built in 1538 with an elegant façade and a courtyard decorated with dante-esque figures.It used to belong to Don Rodrigo Messía, married to Doña Mayor de Fonseca. It is known as ‘La Salina’ given that...

  • House of the ConchasMore information

    Most impressive monument of the era of the Reyes Católicos in civil art. Built at the end of the 15th century. Gothic, Moorish and Italian elements are joined in this house.Its founder was Doctor Rodríguez...

  • Lower School of the University of SalamancaMore information

    On the access cover an impost gives way to a central body formed by three rectangles separated by pilasters decorated with various animals, the cost of arms of Charles V on the central panel and two tow-headed...

  • Roman Bridge of SalamancaMore information

    It is part of the Vía de la Plata, which linked Mérida with Astorga. Although its origin is Roman, from the 1st century AD, only the fifteen arches closest to the city date from this time, the other eleven...

Address and map location

Where to sleep
Where to eat