  • Salamanca
Type of route
One day
To know more

On this route around Salamanca, children and adults alike have the chance to discover the city’s best-known monuments from a different perspective. Fiction and reality merge into one, as history and legend reveal to younger visitors some of the city’s figures, hidden during the day on the stone façades yet which come to life as the sun sets.

From the giant that stands guard over the Plaza Mayor to the huge lizard that watches over the shells that adorn the famous Shell House, this intriguing route conceals a host of fantastic creatures.

This route includes the following sites of interest: the Plaza Mayor, Monterrey Palace, the Church of San Benito, the Shell House, Salamanca’s Cathedrals, Salamanca Cave and the Convent of San Esteban.

What to see?

  • Convent of San EstebanMore information

    It is a monastery of the Dominican order. Its construction was carried out between the XVI and XVII centuries. It is of Gothic style, but its decor is Plateresque and Baroque. The church has a Latin cross...

  • Church of San BenitoMore information

    Founded in 1104, this church occupies a privileged place in the history of Salamanca because one of the factions in which the city was divided during the low Middle Ages was named after it.The present...

  • Palace of MonterreyMore information

    Rodrigo Gil de Hontañón and Fray Martín de Santiago were responsible for the designs of this magnificent palace from the first half of the 16th century for the III Count of Monterrey, Don Alonso de Acevedo...

  • House of the ConchasMore information

    Most impressive monument of the era of the Reyes Católicos in civil art. Built at the end of the 15th century. Gothic, Moorish and Italian elements are joined in this house.Its founder was Doctor Rodríguez...

  • Major Square of SalamancaMore information

    The Plaza Mayor in Salamanca, from the 18th century, is one of the most beautiful urban monumental squares in Europe. Construction began in 1729 at the behest of the corregidor Rodrigo Caballero Llanes....

  • Cathedrals of SalamancaMore information

    Salamanca boasts two cathedrals that stand side by side. The New Cathedral is built in the Gothic style while the Old Cathedral offers visitors the chance to admire a truly magnificent Romanesque monument.

Address and map location

Where to sleep
Where to eat