The Historical Interpretation Center of the Valley of Tietar makes the Castle of La Adrada into a cultural and tourist attraction. The fortress is arranged for visitors to understand how it has evolved its construction and its use throughout the centuries and how life has run in the Valley until today.

The figure of a soldier on guard, wearing the manner of a yeoman of the first half of the XVI century, welcomes visitors, on the ground floor, where you can follow, thanks to an audiovisual, the stages of construction of the Castle.

When to visit it?

Observations: See Adrada Castle

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Get to know the surroundings

Within a radius of

    Address and map location

    • Postal address La Adrada. NaN. Ávila
    • Phones
      690 873 136
    How to arrive
    Where to sleep
    Where to eat

    It's happening

    Tourist information

    • Adrada (La) town hall

      To know more
    • Adrada (La) tourism office

      To know more
    • Ávila tourism office

      • Postal address Centro de Recepción de Visitantes - Avda. de Madrid, 39, entrada por la c/ San Vicente. Ávila. NaN. Ávila
      • Email
      • Phones
        920 211 387
      • Fax
        920 253 717
      To know more