It is a subsidiary museum dependent on the Museum and Didactic Center of Castilla y León in Tordesillas.

The different collections of fabrics, embroideries, lace and clothing are exhibited in three old Cabrera houses restored for this purpose. The total of the exhibition area is 301 square meters. At first the objective was to exercise a didactic task to recover the lace, embroidered fabrics and clothing of La Cabrera, as well as the culture of linen, wool and vegetable fibers, which had disappeared in the region.

There are three rooms, exhibitions. In the first, courses and workshops are held and it is equipped with a textile-themed library and a selection of historical pieces of lace and embroidery. The second contains traditional pieces of fabrics, embroidery and lace specific to La Cabrera, as well as everything related to the production of the raw material, linen, as well as a garish car, spinning wheels and coffers. The third room is dedicated to weaving and shows quilts, blankets and other pieces made with hand loom with linen and wool made in La Cabrera.

When to visit it?

Opening hours

  • Summer
    • From Wednesday to Sunday: arrange visit: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • Closed: Monday and Tuesday
  • winter
    • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturdays, Sundays and Public holidays: arrange a visit


Free (The visits are always by appointment on the phone numbers 983796035 and 649790543)

This portal is not responsible for possible changes in the schedules and rates reflected

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    Tourist information

    • Truchas town hall

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    • Truchas tourism office

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    • León tourism office

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