Festive meeting held for over 30 years ago to botillo tasting, a typical sausage of El Bierzo. During the week in which the festival takes place, all restaurants include botillo on their menu and many producers get to Bembridge to offer the product.

General information

General information:
National Tourist Interest


Bembibre. 24300 León.

Website: https://www.festivaldelbotillo.com/

More information

Oficina de Turismo Regional of León


Pza. de Regla, 2. León. 24003 León.

Teléfono: 987 237 082

Fax: 987 273 391

Email: oficinadeturismodeleon@jcyl.es

Página Web: http://www.turismocastillayleon.com

Tourist Office of Bembibre


C/ Lope de Vega, 3 (Centro Cultural de la Villa). Bembibre. 24300 León.

Telephone: 987 514 555

Email: turismo@aytobembibre.es

Website: http://www.aytobembibre.es/