The event was already celebrated in the thirteenth century, and came to have the royal protection of Alfonso IX, king of Leon, and Alfonso X "The Wise" of Castile and Leon.

It is about "transporting" visitors to the Middle Ages.

Both the castle and the medieval walls, as well as numerous balconies, are decorated with banners and banners to give color to the holiday.

Activities of the celebration:

Tournaments, falconry, parades with jugglers, minstrels, blind dancers, Moorish dancing, theater, popular games, children's activities, traditional music, theater visits, etc.

Characters (actors who recreate medieval times) involved in the event:

Jesters, hidalgos, acrobats, blind, some rogues, dancers, comedians, minstrels, mountebanks, card makers, gypsies, magicians, craftsmen, clerics, knights, gentlemen, musicians, witches, trapeze artists, etc.

Get to know the surroundings

Within a radius of

    Address and map location

    • Postal address Puebla de Sanabria. NaN. Zamora
    How to arrive
    Where to sleep
    Where to eat

    Tourist information

    • Puebla de Sanabria town hall

      To know more
    • Puebla de Sanabria tourism office

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    • Zamora tourism office

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