  • Burgos province
  • Leon province
  • Palencia province
Type of route
Large tour

From Redecilla del Camino to the village of La Laguna in the municipality of Vega de Valcerce, the legendary Camino de Santiago, along the nearly 400 kilometers that cross Castile and León, has been traveled by pilgrims from all over the world for some time. centuries whether on foot, by bicycle or on horseback.

Follow the famous yellow arrows that mark an exceptional route full of spirituality full of great heritage landmarks, from small Romanesque hermitages to large Gothic cathedrals, through natural landscapes, ancient paths and cozy towns where you can rest and regain strength.

Through the French Way, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, you will enter the unique provinces of Burgos, Palencia and Leon , traveling through fifteen stages just as it was done in the Middle Ages, but with a modern and careful network of services. and assistance, with the goal of continuing until we find the remains of the apostle Saint James the Greater and lose our gaze contemplating the ancient end of the world in Finisterre. On your way you will be able to admire how the influence of this Christian route throughout history has shaped towns and cities, leaving an extraordinary artistic and monumental mark.

Address and map location

Where to sleep
Where to eat