A large plain lying to the south of the River Duero and vast expanses of farming land. Its strategic location on the road leading to the north has shaped the history of this place. For centuries, the market town of Medina has witnessed the sale and trade of wool, spices, fabrics oil and livestock, etc.

During the 15th and 16th centuries it enjoyed a period of great splendor. In 1444 it passed from the hands of its feudal lord to the monarchy, from whom it received a number of privileges. In 1491 the Catholic Monarchs declared its fairs the ‘General Fairs of our Kingdoms’ turning it into one of the most important markets in the Iberian Peninsula.

Medina was an authentic melting pot: the fairs and markets were held in the centre, whilst the convents and parishes were located in the residential areas whilst the poorer areas huddled outside the walls, on the right bank of the River Zapardiel and on the top of Mota hill.

The wall spread out around Mota Castle, one of the most important historical buildings in the town, together with the Collegiate Church. Other highlights include Los Dueñas Palace, the Royal Palace of the Catholic Monarchs, Simón Ruiz Hospital and the Casa de las Carnicerías.