Construction of the present church started in 1597 and ended in 1604. The plans were drawn by the architect Juan de Nates. Building was carried out with the assistance of Martín de Uriarte.

The main altarpiece was built between 1602 and 1605. A new chapel for the Virgen de las Angustias was started in 1703. The facade contains overlapping structures, emulating the style of Palladio. The lower section includes the motif of the Roman triumph. The niches of the second section contain sculptures of the Virgin and the Angel.

Main office of the Cofradía de la Virgen de las Angustias (also known as Virgen de los Cuchillos). One of the chapels is devoted to her. The image of the Dolorosa is by Juan de Juni, and was conceived as an Easter float image.

When to visit it?

Opening hours

  • Every day: depending on the schedule of the cults



This portal is not responsible for possible changes in the schedules and rates reflected

Get to know the surroundings

Within a radius of

    Address and map location

    • Postal address Angustias, s/n. Valladolid. NaN. Valladolid
    How to arrive
    Where to sleep
    Where to eat

    It's happening

    Tourist information

    • Valladolid town hall

      To know more
    • Valladolid tourism office

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    • Valladolid tourism office

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    • Valladolid tourism office

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