This parish church as a plateresque facade. The sacristy contains the 12th-century Cristo de los Pobres (Christ of the Poor) and a monstrance dating from 1500. It has basilica plan with three naves of hall type, that is at the same height and double wide the central to the laterals, with three aisles separated by columns of circular section and semi columns attached.

Get to know the surroundings

Within a radius of

    Address and map location

    • Postal address San Martín, s/n. Mota del Marqués. NaN. Valladolid
    How to arrive
    Where to sleep
    Where to eat

    Tourist information

    • Mota del Marqués town hall

      To know more
    • Mota del Marqués tourism office

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    • Valladolid tourism office

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