This romanesque parish church is a national monument. It was built in the first third of the 13th century.

Three-nave ground plan with a central, double-ledged apse. The south front has five round archivolts resting on five pairs of long-shafted columns with Gothic capitals decorated with vegetal motifs and diamond heads. The arches serve frame the two doors, between which stands the figure of the warrior. Inside, decorated capitals, a Mudejar pulpit and a 16th-century altarpiece.

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    • Postal address Caltojar. NaN. Soria
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    Tourist information

    • Caltojar town hall

      Address and map location
      • Postal address municipality of Caltojar . Soria
      • Email
      • Phones
        975 343 422
      • Fax
        975 343 422
      To know more
    • Soria tourism office

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