It was built in the XVII century with good blocks of stone and brick. Over the ridge, a belfry in two heights, decorated with stone balls and topped with iron cross, rises. It has a single nave covered with a dome and groin vaults, and in the interior altars Baroque, gold and polychrome, and the image of the Virgen de las Fuentes, of great devotion in the region, are preserved.

Get to know the surroundings

Within a radius of

    Address and map location

    • Postal address San Juan del Olmo. NaN. Ávila
    How to arrive
    Where to sleep
    Where to eat

    Tourist information

    • San Juan del Olmo town hall

      Address and map location
      To know more
    • Ávila tourism office

      Address and map location
      • Postal address Centro de Recepción de Visitantes - Avda. de Madrid, 39, entrada por la c/ San Vicente. Ávila. NaN. Ávila
      • Email
      • Phones
        920 211 387
      • Fax
        920 253 717
      To know more