To facilitate the incorporation of geometric frameworks in the roof reinforcements, the carpenters devised the ataujerada technique. It consisted of hiding the structure of the roofs with boards on which taujeles or small wooden slats were nailed with which the different designs were carried out.

This method freed the masters of the craft from structural impositions and stimulated the development of overflowing decorative fantasies such as the ten-pointed bow wheels that adorn the deck armor of Grajal de Ribera. At the bottom, the alice trees still preserve polychromes of leaf litter, bulbous fruits and emblems of the lineage of the Pimentel, counts of Benavente, and the Quiñones, counts of Luna, which allows us to specify that the promoter of this work was Rodrigo Alfonso de Pimentel (†1499).

Get to know the surroundings

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    • Postal address Grajal de Ribera (La Antigua). León
    How to arrive
    Where to sleep
    Where to eat

    Tourist information

    • Antigua (La) town hall

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    • León tourism office

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