16th-century church. It has a Romanesque tower integrated in its walls. La cabecera es hemiexagonal, con arco de triunfo apuntado y bóveda de crucería estrellada.

The main altarpiece was built by Inocencio Berruguete and Juan Bautista Beltrán, and the altarpiece of the Quinta Angustia by Francisco de la Maza.

When to visit it?

Opening hours

  • Easter
    • Summer

      Observations: Visiting days and times of the "We open at Easter" and "We open in Summer" programs. Rest of the year, ask at the Tourist Office. PHONE: 983 590 003

      This portal is not responsible for possible changes in the schedules and rates reflected

      Get to know the surroundings

      Within a radius of

        Address and map location

        • Postal address Atrio de la Iglesia, 1. Las Aceñas (Simancas). NaN. Valladolid
        How to arrive
        Where to sleep
        Where to eat

        It's happening

        Tourist information

        • Simancas town hall

          To know more
        • Simancas tourism office

          To know more
        • Valladolid tourism office

          To know more