A monument built in the 16th century, consisting of four columns surrounding a cross, with straight arquitrabes. Related to some events of Santa Teresa de Jesus' life, it is a perfect place to contemplate the view of the fortified town.

Historical Data

Vernacular architecture
Historical Period:
Early modern period


CTRA. SALAMANCA, S/N. Ávila. 05002 Ávila.

Telephone: 920 211 387 (O.T)

More information

Centro de Recepción de Visitantes of Ávila


Avda. Madrid, 39. Ávila. 05001 Ávila.

Telephone: 920 354 000 ext. 370 y 371

Fax: 920 254 200

Email: turismo@ayuntavila.com

Website: http://www.avilaturismo.com

Oficina de Turismo Regional of Ávila


Casa de las Carnicerías. C/ San Segundo, 17. Ávila. 05001 Ávila.

Teléfono: 920 211 387

Fax: 920 253 717

Email: oficinadeturismodeavila@jcyl.es