The School of Yesterday is the new cultural center located on Sierra Pambley Street that aims to serve as a space of tribute and memory about the education of yesterday and its evolution in our society. The center occupies the restored building of the old Fabero nursery school and consists of a first floor where a traditional classroom with desks and school supplies is reproduced and a second floor where there is a library that makes material related to education available to visitors. , from textbooks to photographs and videos. On this floor the City Council will also program temporary exhibitions on topics related to teaching.

When to visit it?

Opening hours

  • From Friday to Sunday: 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM and 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM (They are with a prearranged visit)
  • Closed: From Monday to Thursday


  • General 2 €
  • Groups 1 €
(Children's entrance 0.5€ Educational centers 1€.)

Observations: The visit can be made together with the rest of the museums when visiting the Pozo Julia. Group reservations: 671 028 841

This portal is not responsible for possible changes in the schedules and rates reflected

Get to know the surroundings

Within a radius of

    Address and map location

    • Postal address C/ Sierra Pambley, s/n. Fabero. NaN. León
    • Phones
      671 028 841
    How to arrive
    Where to sleep
    Where to eat

    It's happening

    Tourist information

    • Fabero town hall

      To know more
    • Fabero tourism office

      To know more
    • León tourism office

      To know more