A whole journey through the well-known ones like Fjords of León. The boat trip offers a view that can not be accessed otherwise, being a good way to observe the wildlife (goat, chamois, wild boar, wolf, fox ...), as well as landscapes of limestone, beech and Oak grove Navigating the swamp waters observing the flight of raptors in their natural habitat (eagles, vultures ...), and discovering the variety of landscapes that offer the different seasons of the year, is a unique experience.

The boat with capacity for 60 seats carries out different routes throughout the year, since it is equipped with a transparent cover allowing the travelers to enjoy the paving in both summer and winter. The routes last approximately one hour, in addition, passengers who make these routes will have the possibility of landing at specific places on the banks of the marsh, to start hiking trails. To do this, they will ask the person responsible for the boat, who will then pick them at the agreed point to take them to the pier of Riaño, place of departure and return of the routes.

When to visit it?

Opening hours

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturdays, Sundays and Public holidays: arrange a visit (With prior reservation. Phone: 608572926 )


  • General 16 €
  • Reduced 14 €

This portal is not responsible for possible changes in the schedules and rates reflected

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