The Babia and Luna Valleys Natural Park, a jewel in the heart of the Cantabrian Mountains with notable elevations such as Picos Albos, Peña Orniz, Alto de la Cañada and the imposing Peña Ubiña, one of the most dazzling peaks in the Cantabrian Mountains.

Immerse yourself in history as the peaks and valleys tell the ancient legends of the Asturian and Leonese kingdoms. An ethnographic testimony of the Leonese mountains, with traditions of transhumance and links with native breeds such as Hispano-Breton horses and Leonese mastiffs.

You are in Babia! This universal expression used to describe a state of enchantment may have its origin in the past, when the Leonese kings chose it as a place to hunt and to escape from the problems of the court. To the question "where is the king?", the answer was "he is in Babia!", indicating that " his Highness did not want to know anything about anything ." Another theory is that the expression was born due to the self-absorption that the shepherds fell into when they were far from their land. Let us not forget the strong nomadic tradition of the Babia region.

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